The Bivona Adult TTS tracheostomy tube provides multiple features in one design. The cuff, when inflated, creates a seal between the tube and the trachea, protecting against aspiration and optimizing respiration. When the cuff is deflated, it rests tight to the shaft of the tube. This enables the tube to be used for weaning patients from a ventilator and also aids in speaking. The TTS provides a tracheostomy solution for a variety of airway management needs without having to change tubes.
The silicone material is intended to provide maximum comfort to the patient and offers a soft, flexible tube alternative to tubes made of more rigid material. The Bivona TTS tube range is recommended for the following situations:
Please see the Instructions for Use for a complete listing of the indications, contraindications, warnings and precautions.
PRODUCT BENEFITSBivona Adult TTS tracheostomy tube is intended to provide the benefits of cuffed and uncuffed tubes in one:
Common applications / procedures product is used for: